Points of Mall Platform Solution

The points of mall platform will provide users with a one-stop online and offline consumption platform, provide gift exchange in the form of points, and generate new points. It will promote partners (within the group and third parties) to help merchants gain traffic. Guide customers to spend in offline merchants, forming a closed loop of online and offline consumption.
Design ideas
1. In response to the "New Sales" strategic goal, actively expand the market share of users' life circle services.
2. Integrate internal and external merchant alliances and online B2C e-commerce to create an open platform to convert user traffic into order traffic and realize traffic monetization.
3. Integrate business and data from partners, members, and markets to drive user consumption and build a mutually beneficial and win-win ecosystem between the group and third parties.
Value Proposition
1. An e-commerce platform for unified, centralized, and professional operations across the entire network.
2. The platform and partners inside and outside the group can seamlessly link, call each other, integrate and embed.
3. A B2B2C e-commerce platform based on points to create a new business growth point for the group.