Hunk Times develop Cloud project production was successfully
        On August 31, the ICBC Cloud development project undertaken by Hunk Times was successful. The project construction lasted 120 days. After the launch, the system was operating stably, and the first batch of cloud customers settled in successfully.

      To implement General Secretary Xi’s, the cloud-relevant rules and regulations and management methods are combined with the actual work of cloud development at the grass-roots level. Solutions based on cloud computing technology are applied on the Internet (network). It provides a work management platform for the party’s grass-roots party organizations at all levels and the majority of party members and the work, study, and exchange communities for party members, party workers, grass-roots party branches, and grass-roots party committees. Through unifying standards, integrating resources, optimizing business processes, and sharing network services, the cloud development investment is more economical, performance is more superior, information is more integrated, and business is more collaborative. To innovate party-building work, strengthen grass-roots organizations, and promote the scientific transformation of party-building work.

Hunk Times is based on a wealth of success cases and strong project guarantees and strives to complete the project goals with high standards. All project team members are always up for their spirits, never forget the project goals, are not afraid of challenges, dare to take responsibility, work together in solidarity, and have fully completed the August version of the party's cloud project.


With the commissioning of the ICBC develop Cloud project, it once again confirmed the dedication and responsibility of the Hunk Times team!