Professional Testing Service

1. Current situation and challenges

Frequent changes in business requirements pose challenges to application quality assurance work.

Lack of systematic requirements analysis, validation, and testing design methods.

Lack of reasonable metrics to evaluate application development and testing activities.

Lack of a testing management system that can effectively integrate testing processes, methods, and tools.

Lack of testing management personnel with professional skills.

Lack of mature and stable automated testing tools and platforms.

Due to environmental differences, the performance test results cannot be applicable to production environments.

Lack of scientific performance modeling and capacity evaluation methods.

2. Solution

As a leading IT service provider in China, hunk Times has accumulated rich experience and numerous enterprise level customers in the field of enterprise application quality professional testing services, relying on the robust product team of professional manufacturers and self-developed automation testing platforms and MOCK testing platforms. Its services mainly consist of the following parts:

Test Management Planning Service

Assist clients in establishing and improving testing management systems, improve the quality of testing work, and provide services including:

Testing Technology Planning

Testing process planning

Planning of testing tools

Test organizational structure planning

Test environment planning

Professional testing services

Utilize an effective testing management system to conduct professional testing on customer application systems, identify and eliminate defects before application launch, enhance quality assurance after application launch, and provide services including:

Functional testing

Automated testing

Performance testing, optimization, and modeling

Safety testing

Data cable testing

3. Positioning and Value

Ensure timely launch of applications: Utilize advanced quality models and quality management technologies to help customers improve development and testing work, enhance application quality management level, and avoid problems caused by application quality when launching applications.

Improve cost-effectiveness: Emphasize that testing work should start with requirement validation, identify and eliminate ambiguity and ambiguity in requirement descriptions as early as possible, avoid subsequent application design and development defects caused by requirements, effectively reduce defect injection, and lower defect repair costs.

Reduce quality risk: Utilize professional functional testing, automated testing, performance testing, and security testing to help customers discover functional defects, major performance bottlenecks, and serious security vulnerabilities before the application goes live, reducing the quality risk of the application going live.