Financial Cloud Operation and Maintenance 2018-05-31

Project Summarization
On the bank's financial cloud platform environment, operation and maintenance are managed activities to ensure stable online system operation. Application system production and operation failures, problem acceptance, and handling is tracking the progress and results of problem handling, cooperating with the implementation of changes, and emergency response system such as plan review and verification, production plan verification, etc. Participate in the performance of an IT monitoring system and automated operation and maintenance.
Operation and maintenance personnel need to use logs to locate the cause of the error. It operates and maintains personnel need and use the IT monitoring platform to collect and manage all application system logs, middleware logs, database logs, and operating system logs on a unified platform for operation and maintenance. The staff on duty analyzes the production event calls.
The project construction brought social and economic value
It provides operation and maintenance personnel with a convenient, efficient, monitorable, verifiable, and flexibly configurable IT log monitoring platform.
It shortens the rapid location and causes analysis of the operation and maintenance personnel failure, improves the emergency handling capacity, and saves them time for recovery.