2015 Informatization Assessment Conference closed

    On September 17, the 7th China Industry Informatization Awards and 2015 China Industry Informatization Development Conference jointly organized by China Information World, China Federation of IT Promotion, and China Computer Industry Association was held in The Presidential Hotel Beijing. The conference focused on the theme of "business-driven integration, the transformation of the Internet + era," an in-depth discussion of the development direction.
The content of the conference is as below:
The China Industry Informatization Awards have been held annually since 2009. The event principle of "publicity, equity, fairness" implements enterprises' and individuals' initiatives. And the method of combining the voting of readers in various industries.  Expert opinions are aimed at national software and hardware companies, informatization figures, and industry information in the information field and consulting. This event attracted nearly 10,000 companies to sign up. In mid-to-late August, the organizing committee conducted a preliminary screening of the review list and determined more than 800 candidate lists.

Hunk Times has stood out among many companies and won the "2015 China Internet Finance Industry Best Solution Award". This event was published in more than 50 well-known online media and posted in the No. 2051 "China Industry Informatization Awards" , which is a new milestone in the field of Internet finance. We believe that the development of the financial Internet industry will grow stronger in the future.
China Computer Industry Association: http://www.ciw.com.cn/h/2562/406110-17604.html
CEC: http://www.soft6.com/news/201509/23/258191.html
NetEase: http://chongqing.163.com/15/0923/14/B472KPVJ023316NA.html
Sohu.com.Inc: http://news.focus.cn/yanji/2015-09-23/10418354.html
People's Daily Online: http://nb.people.com.cn/n/2015/0923/c200874-26499938.html
www.chinadaily.com.cn: http://house.chinadaily.com.cn/2015-09/22/content_21951216.htm
Beijing Youth Daily: http://digital.ynet.com/748828/545854039643b.shtml
www.It.com: http://www.it.com.cn/news/hlw/cn/2015092216/1204841.html
Silicon Valley: http://www.guigu.org/news/qiye/2015092270244.html
itpro8: http://news.ctocio.com.cn/391/13558391.shtml
CSTNET: http://www.wokeji.com/ly/hykx/201509/t20150922_1715898.shtml
HQCX: http://www.hqcx.net/gncx/guoneiredian/20150922/544050.html
China Business Network: http://www.1-en.com.cn/keji/shujubaogao/18203.html
CNSOFTNEWS: http://www.cnsoftnews.com/news/201509/27442.html