Hunk become a member of

        In order to implement the 13th five year plan for national informatization, promote the in-depth integration of blockchain and real economy, and promote the formulation of blockchain standards, collaborative innovation, industrial integration and other related work, under the guidance and support of the Ministry of industry and information technology, China information and Communication Research Institute led the establishment of a "trusted blockchain alliance". Our company was invited to become a member of "trusted blockchain alliance".
        What can blockchain bring to life?
        Blockchain technology refers to a way of accounting with the participation of the whole people. There is a database behind all systems. You can regard the database as a large ledger. Since there is no centralized intermediary, making everything run automatically through preset procedures can not only greatly reduce costs, but also improve efficiency. Since everyone has the same account book, it can ensure that the account book recording process is open and transparent.
At present, a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial reform are sprouting, and the development of digital economy driven by information technology has entered a new stage. In response to the development of the new era, our company always stands at the forefront of technological development, focuses on the research of basic and core technologies of blockchain, actively participates in the strategic cooperation of "trusted blockchain alliance", strengthens technological cooperation, and promotes the in-depth integration of blockchain and economic and social fields.
        Relying on the rapid development of current business and the deep understanding of customers' real scene, Hunk era will continue to pay attention to, explore, discover and seek the innovation and breakthrough of technology + scene.