bid for Huaxia Bank success

            In March 2018, with excellent service, muscular strength, and advanced management concepts, our company stood out from many bidders and successfully won the bid for the counter development project of Hua Xia Bank.Hua Xia Bank, established in Beijing in October 1992, is a joint-stock bank. As of the end of September 2013, Hua Xia Bank has established 34 primary branches, 30 secondary branches, and 12 remote sub-branches in 76 central cities, with 520 business outlets, forming a "base in economically developed cities and radiate across the country." An institutional system has established agency business relationships with more than 1,000 overseas banks and covers 320 cities; its total assets have reached RMB1,551,809 billion. The business structure has been optimized, and operating efficiency has quickly increased, maintaining a sound development momentum.Hunk Times and Huaxia Bank. It is of great significance to the company's promotion of Hua Xia Bank and its banking business. I believe that future cooperation will get better and better. It also verifies Hunk Times' delivery capabilities and service quality. , Customer in-depth maintenance, etc. The position in the same industry is advancing by leaps and bounds, and Hunke's future will surely be bright again.